Sunday, May 5, 2013

Feminine Birthday Card

Color challenges - I both love and hate them! Love them because they make me try out new color schemes, hate them since I often find myself struggling to find what I need for my card. If you're a pink girl you'll have lots of pink stash, If you love blue - like I do - you'll have loads of blue papers and embellishments.

Purple - no problem - I had some purple card stock and used an embossing folder with spots. I also heat embossed my image using purple embossing powder.
Green - don't have loads of green stuff, but found some pearls decorate my image with, as well as green card stock to make the panel for my patterned paper.
But peach? I found loads of papers that were either too yellow, too orange or too pink. I still don't think I've got the color quite right, but I hope the Inkspirational girls will forgive me - it was the closest I could get. I will certainly get some peach papers in the future - it's quite a pleasant color!

I finished off my card by stamping a birthday sentiment with black ink.

This card is for these challenges:
1) Inkspirational - #18 Colors (Grape+Peach+Olive)
2) Seize The Birthday - #16 Sketch
3) The Crafter's Cafe Challenge - Mother's or for a female
4) Inky Impressions #107 Spots and/or Stripes
5) The Perfect Sentiment - #77 Feminine
6) Everybody-Art-Challenge - #234 Pearls
7) Paper Playtime - Emboss
8) Make it Monday - Anything Goes


  1. This is stunning...dare I say, CAS! I thought long and hard about this challenge but I just could not get the right shade of peach. But you've nailed it. More peach sounds like a good idea to me!
    xxx Asha

  2. Pia, You did an awesome job with the challenge. You did a great job putting the right shades together, nicely done.
    Hugs, Patricia

  3. Your cards are a delight Pia. So elegant and stylish. Wonderful design.

  4. This is gorgeous Pia. I really love the way you have used those colours and your design looks so elegant.
    Sue xx

  5. This is a wonderful card Pia, such a fabulous colour combination - very elegant.

  6. Hi Pia . You've done a great job with this and I also found it a challenge to get the colours right. But that's what challenges are about isn't it? I love your card - the green pearls look great around the image and I love the embossing.
    Thank you for joining us at Inkspirational Challenges. Come back next week! Marina

  7. It's Beautiful! I LOve your colours. I LOve you design..I LOve everything about it Pia.

  8. Very pretty! Thank you for playing along with the Inky Impressions Challenge!
    Danni-Inky Impressions DT

  9. Absolutely stunningly the colour and simplicity of it all, the embossing and just that little silhouette is gorgeous...xx

  10. A lovely card. I love the design and texture to your card with the embossed background and gems added to your image. Thanks for joining us at The Crafter's Cafe Challenge Blog. Angela

  11. very elegant card is beautifull gretting marialex dt cccb

  12. your card is very pretty :) very nice embossing :) thanks for sharing with us at paper playtime :)

  13. A beautiful card Pia, I love your CAS design style, colour scheme and such a beautiful image stunning with the fabulous pearls!!!

    Heather xx

  14. I LOVE this Pia, I found the colours hard too but this card is stunning. I especially like the gems around the image. An purple embossing powder has to go on my list!! Great to see you playing along with us at Inkspirational.

  15. Gorgeous CAS card Pia! You did a fabulous job with the colours - never mind peach, sounds to me like you need to get more green if you haven't got 'loads' ; )

    Mynnette & I are starting a new challenge blog called House of Cards & the DT call is going on right now, we'd love it if you entered : )
    Ruth x

  16. This is a stunning CAS card sweetie. Love that cameo type image it is awesome.


  17. Ooh this is gorgeous Pia! I love the colours… they work so well together… the stamp is very pretty with the pearls around… and I love the embossing and beautiful paper! :-)
    Hope you have a lovely day!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  18. Lovely card and I think you did very well stepping outside of your comfort zone! Thanks for playing along with us over at Paper Playtime Emboss challenge, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  19. Beautiful card Pia, gorgeous design and colours.

    I have popped over from MIM.

    Hugs Julie xxx

  20. A gorgeous card! Very stylish and elegant! I love it all! hugs, Marlies

  21. So pretty card, chic and elegant !!

  22. A peach of a card Pia! Very elegant - I love the cameo and pearls. Nicola x

  23. Fabulous card Pia. I saw this on MIM..Loz

  24. Love the choice of colours, hun....gorgeous card! Thanks for sharing at the Perfect Sentiment challenge this week!

  25. Lovely card Pia, I really like the colours you've used. popping by from MIM :) Cathy

  26. I think the colours for your card have worked perfectly. Hugs Mrs A.

  27. You never cease to amazing me, dear friend! This is absolutely STUNNING! LOVE the CAS feel and the silhouette image on patterned paper!!! Thanks for joining us at Inkspirational!

    PS: I'm having a DT call at a new challenge called House of Cards and if you are interested, I'd LOVE for you to consider entering! :)

  28. Such a lovely card, Pia. The embossed background and color scheme is just so beautiful. :)

  29. Absolutely lovely! Thanks for playing along at Seize the Birthday.

  30. What a lovely card, the colours are perfect! Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday!

  31. It's so elegant! I'm visiting from MIM.

  32. Oh you've used those colours so beautifully Pia, what a lovely card! Hugs, Lisa x

  33. really the silhouette! Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday!

  34. Oh that can be frustrating trying to find the right, or close to, paper, but if you have my luck, the camera changes ALL the colors when you take the photo anyway!!
    The texture, design, embellishments and layout make a truly and very classy and sensational card. :) You can never have enough purple, but peach? I'm with you there, not in my stash at all. Nicely done on this challenge though Pia :)
    Lisa x

  35. This is really pretty. Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday.

  36. Lekker design med embossing og blomsterpapir. Tusen takk for at du deltok hos Inky Impressions sist uke og beklager at jeg er sen med å kommentere hos deg. Håper likevel du blir med oss denne uka.Klem Bettina DT Member at Inky Impressions

  37. A lovely elegant card.
    Kath x

  38. Hi Pia - I saw this on the MIM blog and thought how simple and elegant it looked. I love your colour choice and the design. Really sweet.

    Hugs to you Sue Pxxx

  39. It's lovely Pia, fab colours and love the embossing and CAS layout.
    Thanks for linking up with Make It Monday this week.
    Remember, to be in the running to win the prize from our sponsor this week just leave a comment for another entry. Be sure to mention you saw them on Make It Monday. The more entries you comment on the more chances you have of winning!

  40. Another simple design but the embossing just makes it look so great and not need anything extra to go with it.

  41. Pia this is gorgeous! Thanks for playing with us this month at TCCCB!
    FYI: We have a DT Call going on right now! Be sure to check it out!! :)
    Karen C


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