Monday, December 8, 2014

Blogger issues with word verification

This is the second time it happens to me: Blogger adds Word Verification without my doing.
If I choose setting comment window as pop up the system requires you to enter a code. When I change the setting to embedded the word verification part is removed. Changing  back to pop up window my blog requires you to enter a code again.... Argh!
It's not me, it's Blogger - I do not intentially put Word Verification on! I will leave it with embedded for some days, change back to pop up and see if the problem disappears....


  1. Samme båt som deg ja. Første gang det skjer på min blogg gitt

  2. I have the same problem, Blogger is not nice with us ! :-(

  3. Think we have all been having the same problem Pia.
    yours has gone now!

  4. It's doing it to everyone Pia, hopefully it will be sorted soon!

  5. I also have word verification on my comments and I DO NOT want it...Loz

  6. me too I DONT WANT Word Verification
    I think BLOGGER have a problem like Worm or something virus LOL
    also let us stay at ambedded CHOICE ....thanks Pia for remind are so sweet..hugs. Monika

  7. I've got the same problem Pia, hopefully it's fixed soon!

  8. It seems to be a wide problem sweetie. I have checked and I haven't got it set but it still pops up.



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