Saturday, July 9, 2016

Flakes - Christmas in July - Day 1

Holiday's over, I've enjoyed three weeks of vacation and Monday it's back to work. It feels good.

It's time for my favorite event - Christmas in July - over at Catch the Bug. One week, 7 challenges, different prizes are up for grab for those who enter one or all the challenges - you can read more about it here. You don't need Bugaboo images to enter the challenges, but Jodie's having a sale - 50% off the entire Bugaboo store - if you want to get some.

My post is slightly delayed as un unplanned trip to IKEA was called for. Made it in and out in 20 minutes - is that a record or what!

Today's challenge is about snow - snowmen or snowflakes or both, it's up to you. I used a croppped version of the image snow friends and used non traditional colors, something I do very seldom.  I colored the image using a brush and my DI pads and I sponged the background. Before I did that I heat embossed the sentiment using clear EP. I added some glitter to the snowman's hat, added white frantage for snow and some sequins.

This card is also for:
Moving along with the Times - #24 NO Designer Papers
Inky Chicks - #69 Christmas in Summer
Crafty Boots - Christmas


  1. Pia this is beautifully coloured and I love the cloudy background. So festive too.
    {ATG with a CREATE WITH TLC Element}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. Love the colours Pia beautiful cheery card. I am hopeless with DI pads and envy those who can create such beautiful backgrounds with them, thank you for all of your positive comments, the square was a doily.

  3. A super card Pia, such a fun snowman image and great background.
    I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday.

  4. Beautifully coloured in a lovely palette. Yes, 20 mins in IKEA is surely worth contacting Guiness World Records about!

  5. Beautiful Christmas card Pia, I love the background and fab design, the enlarged image looks awesome! Glad you enjoyed your vacation.
    Tammy x

  6. Welcome back in blogland, Pia! :) So glad that you have enjoyed your vacations!
    Your card reflects your feeling well, it's so happy and warm with this smiling snowman and the cute bird! Love the untraditional colours, the sponged background and the touches of sparkling! A sweet delight for Christmas time!

  7. What a fabulous image Pia and I love your untraditional fabulous colours..gorgeous card.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  8. Wonderful Christmas card Pia, fabulous snowman and lovely colours. Thank you for sharing your Christmas project with all of us at Crafty Boots Challenges.


  9. I love this fun card Pia. He's such a jolly snowman and he would fit in nicely with our Christmas card club challenge which launches tomorrow with the theme snowmen. I'm also running my Christmas in July event next weekend so some great inspiration. Love the fun colouring and his cute friend. Glad to see you blogging again. Zx

  10. Beautiful card Pia! Love the colors you chose,too! Glad you enjoyed your holiday! I haven't done much commenting, but I'm still visiting blogs. TWENTY minutes in Ikea?!?! WOW! ;)


  11. Pia! This is the cutest snowman EVER! Those sequins bring happiness and light to your beautiful card, and the bold colors melt my heart while keeping your snowman nice and cool! Hope your trip was fantastic! Hugs, de

  12. Fantastic card! I really like how you used the image and your coloring looks wonderful. Thanks for the Bugaboo inspiration.

  13. Pia....this is just wonderful. Really love your sweet and colorful snowman!!! Your coloring is simply fabulous.

  14. Such a fun christmas snowman card Pia..Loz

  15. Welcome back to "work". Hope you had a lovely hols.
    Pretty and lovely card with some sparkle;-))m

  16. Festive and fun. Love the cute snowman image.

  17. Super cute Snowman and Christmas card, Pia ! The background looks great and i like the bling.

    Imke ~ My Crafty Place

  18. What a fab Christmas card! This looks like a very sweet and friendly snowman with his little robin friend - how cute :-)

  19. Yay! Pia is back! So nice to see your again, Pia! Your snowman is adorable and I love your colouring! Beautiful snowflakes and sequin placement! Hoping to join the challenge - I love Christmas in July!

  20. Super fun card, Pia. And welcome back. IKEA in 20 minutes? You deserve a medal, girl. That is some record! I tend to avoid IKEA because the exit is almost impossible to find! LOL
    x Asha

  21. Hi Pia now you are so good at coloring I adore the soft color with DI on your card soo soo cute that bird with red on the top area hihi makes me smila
    and love the background in Blue
    I am happy you experiment with color
    means not much black and white and grey card more
    your coloring is great Pia also not worry at all
    great card and sweet sequin and the snowflakes
    I join too at BUgaboo just put my card hehe

  22. Pia - your card is fantastic! What a fun holiday card ♥

  23. In and out of Ikea in 20mins were you wearing blinkers lol !!!Beautiful card and love the cropped image
    Carol x

  24. Fabulous background with the clouds and just a snowflake here and there. Awesome {aNNie}

  25. I love all the details in this cute card and your coloring looks great!

  26. As mentioned before I love this card and thank you for joining us at MAWTT. Zx

  27. This is charming, I like your nontraditional colors!

  28. Such a beautiful background! Adorable snowman! Awesome coloring as always!
    Have a blessed day,
    Crafting with Creative M

  29. Well, I love this non-traditionally colored snowman! Anything like this looks festive, which allows for some fun with color!

  30. By the way, I missed you! Welcome back!


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