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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Creative Blog Hop

I was nominated by Janet from Mainely Cards to do The Creative Blog Hop. We're on the same DT over at the Outlawz Twisted Thursday The Creative Blog Hop happens every Monday and hops from crafter to crafter. We all answer the same questions. I'm a day late, I hope you can forgive me - better late than never, right?

1. What am I working on?
I'm always working on something. I've got images colored up, ready to use, card layouts prepared, cards waiting to be embellished... Sometimes I just need my projects to lay there for a while before deciding on how to finish them...
2. How does my work differ from others of my genre?
I'm not sure I have a specific style as such, I'm a bit all over the place. I love vintage and cute, elegant and simple, you name it. I especially love making Christmas cards, and I do perhaps make more than the average number of masculine cards during a year.
3. Why do I write/create what I do?
I've always enjoyed crafting, for me it's a really relaxing activity. Nowadays I make mostly cards, but I used to make lots of jewelry, knitting, cross stitcing,... Crocheting is something I'm really bad at though.
4. How does my creation process work?
I love sketches and CASE challenges, and I also find inspiration from themes and others' work. I definitely find color challenges the hardest.
Sometimes I have a colored image ready and pick papers and embellishments afterwards. Other times I start with the papers and layout and decide on the image later. It depends on my source of inspiration. I'm a REALLY messy crafter. When people show photos of their messy craft deks I'm thinking "this is my craft space on a really good day"... I like to have many things at hand (= lots of papers, images and stash laying around on my desk), so I can try out different options before I decide to stick everything to my card. That's probably why I'm a slow card maker.

I'm nominating Jackie of Kreate with me 2 as the next hopper. I love her cute and colorful style, great coloring skills and her eye for layouts and detailing.


Chrissy said...

It is so strange when you read someones blog and look at their gorgeous cards and never think of them being a messy crafter you sure did surprise me saying you are.Really nice to learn more about you..keep up the fabulous work you do in your


Donna said...

I enjoyed reading your answers! Its fun to learn about my online friends.

cotnob said...

This is a lovely post Pia, it's nice to learn a little about your creative process. Like Chrissy I was surprised to read that you are a messy crafter - I don't know why but I always imagined that you would be tidy, I'm incredibly messy as well!

chrissy xx said...

JUst like me! I have a small space on my desk..Lots of papers all over, but, I do know what's underneath lol..I call it organized chaos!!
Glad your the same.

Unknown said...

It was great to read about your creative style Pia. I'm messy too lol! xx

sandie said...

I loved reading this Pia and you know it is exactly as I imagined you would craft. Your cards are always such a delight with little extra surprises whether it be frantage, charms, cute need a lot around you to think of using such gems! You know I have for a long time admired your cards and love to visit your blog x

Jacquel said...

I too never would've imagined that you're a messy crafter! Your cards are always so beautiful Pia & thank you for nominating me!!! I enjoyed reading through your answers & I'm looking forward to posting mine on Monday :-)

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Mervi said...

There is so much of the same among us - I'm a messy crafter too;-))m

Janet McLaughlin said...

I enjoyed reading this...I'm messy, too, and slow at turning out cards! My room is usually a disaster with lots of stuff out to try! I'm glad we are alike, and I'm not the only one!

Teresa Arsenault said...

This is gorgeous. I honestly thought it was a metal frame; so beautiful.
Thanks for commenting on my blog.

Donna Nuce said...

Hi Pia! Messy crafters are the most creative! You really have fabulous style and creativity!