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Saturday, September 21, 2024

INK #325 - Headwear

At Inkspirational our new challenge theme is "Headwear".

I made a wreath with stanps from Cardio and Lavinia. I inked with black and added details with silver WOS, a red marker and glossy accent. Inside the wreath I stamped 5 critters and 3 of them are wearing Santa hats. Glitter sparkle was added to the fur on the hats. The back panel and sentiment are made with red mirri card. The card is more sparkly in real life, but I had a hard time capturing it with the camera.
Check out the challenge blog to see what what my INK-teamies have made.

This card is also for:
Critter Crazy Challenges - #90 Anything Goes with a Featured Critter

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